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Spanish flu vs. coronavorus:A historical repeat
History repeats itself: Mask debates were also common in MN during the 1918 flu pandemic
Coronavirus in Context: How This Might End: Lessons From the Spanish Flu | WebMD
Second wave of Spanish Flu is history's warning about coronavirus
The 1918 Flu Pandemic Killed Millions Some Historians Say History Could Repeat Itself
Historian compares the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic with the novel coronavirus
A pandemic like (n)one before: Spanish flu, Scarlet Fever & Great Depression
Corona vs Spanish flu is history repeating?
What lessons can we learn from the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic?
Parallels between Spanish flu outbreak and coronavirus are striking
Separated by a century, 1918 flu and coronavirus pandemics share startling similarities
Could history repeat itself? The influenza pandemic of 1918-9, schizophrenia and the immune system